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Archive Take Offs

Archive takeoff records no longer in use

This app allows you to archive old 9-5 Takeoff records that are no longer in use. This includes jobs that have been refused, completed and closed or bids that have not been edited for a specific amount of time.


  1. The Job Status field on the 3-5 Accounts Receivable screen must be updated throughout the job process.
  2. Customer must provide file name and output directory.


  1. Open the 3-5 Accounts Receivable screen.
  2. Click on the zMaxOneClick app and choose Archive Takeoffs.
  3. Wait for the preview grid to appear.
  4. Select the Job Status, Job Types and Last Edit Date and click filter.
  5. Click the checkboxes for the takeoffs that you would like to archive.
  6. Click Archive.
  7. A confirmation box will appear when the takeoffs have been archived.


Joe Contractor uses the 9-5 takeoff to estimate every job that his bids. The number of takeoffs in the system is causing it to run slower. It takes much longer to run reports and print.


This app allows you to archive old 9-5 Takeoff records that are no longer in use. This includes jobs that have been refused, completed and closed or bids that have not been edited for a specific amount of time.

Return on Investment:

The system's speed is back to normal now and an archived takeoff can always be reimported if Joe needs it.
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