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Process Change Order Log

Easily keep track of multiple change orders for a job.

This app maintains a change order log for a job by giving the change order a change # then removing the estimated, requested, budget and sub change details from the log and adding the date of the change order. This way there is a log that shows what change orders have been requested, approved, etc. for a job.


  1. Open the 6-4-1 Change Orders screen and create the change order log for the job.
  2. Enter the job #
  3. Change # must be 0
  4. Enter all requested change orders in the prime change details and budget and sub change details.
  5. Save


  1. Open the 6-4-1 Change Orders screen and enter the approved change order as a new order.
  2. Enter the job #
  3. Change # must be 0
  4. Enter prime change details and budget and sub change details.
  5. Save and recall the record.
  6. Click the zMaxOneClick app and choose Process Change Order Log
  7. A confirmation box will appear once the process is complete.


Joe Contractor does not have a single place to look at all change order requests. When the client sends in a purchase order for change orders it is almost always for more than one change order request. He is currently entering all change order requests separately and then voiding and consolidating them when the approvals come in.


This app maintains a change order log for a job by giving the change order a change # then removing the estimated, requested, budget and sub change details from the log and adding the date of the change order. This way there is a log that shows what change orders have been requested, approved, etc. for a job.

Return on Investment:

Now, all change order requests are in one place and are managed with the click of the zMaxOneClick app. This saves 15-30 minutes per change order approval received.
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