
Merge • Automate • Validate • Audit

Subcontract Change Order v1

Subcontract Change Order in Microsoft Word® format

This app creates and saves a document in Microsoft Word® format from the 6-4-1 Change Order screen. The app automatically creates the data source and Microsoft Word® document from a Microsoft Word® merge template document which can be customized to each company's needs for a nominal fee. The document is based on the data recorded in the selected 6-4-1 Change Order screen.


  1. Microsoft Word Merge Template exists in the \MB7\Zoom Integrated Products\zMaxOneClick folder
  2. The 6-4-1 Change Order screen is open and the record needed to produce the Microsoft Word® document is selected.
  3. If Job, Vendor and/or other associated data is included on the Microsoft Word® Merge Template, the data must be entered and previously saved in the S100C screen.
  4. A date must be entered in the user defined field on the Budget and Sub Change Details tab along with the subcontract information to be exported.


  1. Enter change order in the 6-4-1 Change Order screen (make sure a date is entered in the user defined field on the Budget and Sub Change Details tab along with the subcontract information to be exported), save and recall.
  2. Click the zMaxOneClick app and choose Subcontract Change Order.
  3. Wait for the save dialog box to appear and click save.
  4. Wait for Microsoft Word® Document to appear, make any changes and save.
  5. Optional-attach document to the 6-4-1 Change Order screen.


    Microsoft Word® Document
  1. Default location is \MB7\[Company Name]\Zoom Reports
  2. The data available includes all of the data from the 6-4-1 Change Order as well as data from the associated screens, including the 3-5 Job and 4-4 Vendors screens. Click here to view a list of available fields.

System Requirements:

    General Requirements
  1. Microsoft Word® 2010 or newer.


Joe Contractor uses a Microsoft Word® document for his Subcontract Change Orders. Now that he has Sage 100C, he would still like to use that change order document, but he wants it automatically filled in with the information that is entered into the system.


This app creates and saves a document in Microsoft Word® format from the 6-4-1 Change Order screen. The app automatically creates the data source and Microsoft Word® document from a Microsoft Word® merge template document which can be customized to each company's needs for a nominal fee. The document is based on the data recorded in the selected 6-4-1 Change Order screen.

Return on Investment:

The Microsoft Word® document is created at the click of the zMaxOneClick app with all the information that is entered into Sage 100C. He no longer has to manually type the change order.
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