
Merge • Automate • Validate • Audit

Update Price

This app provides a quick way to apply a specific markup to parts in a service order. Markup percents can be assigned across clients and part classes.


  1. Set Up the Price Level field in Sage (only needs to be done once)
  2. 1) This app uses reccln.Mallst which is the stock Sage field for Mail List. This field can be found on the 3-6 Clients screen under the "Sales and Marketing" tab. This field is ideal because it is a drop down that uses the mallst table.
  3. 2) Go to the 3-6 screen and customize the title from "Mail List" to "Price Level"
  4. 3) Add records for the various price levels. Be sure to have a number in the first column (Mail List#) and a user friendly description in the 2nd column (List Name)
  5. Run the Price Level Cost Change app (separate from this Update Price app)
  6. 1) Launch the "Price Level Cost Change" app from the 11-2 screen and configure each part class to use the desired markup for each price level. The price levels in this screen correspond to the "Price Level" value selected in the client screen (in the Sales and Marketing tab). Enter the markup factors in 9.99 format. For example 1.25 would be multiplied by the field designated in the top row: (List Price, Part Cost, Last Cost
  7. 2) Be sure each part is using the correct part class and the cost or price value given to the part corresponds to the choice made in the Price Level Cost Change app.
  8. Additional Setup Notes
  9. 1) Each service invoice must have a unique order number. Although Sage will allow you to save a record with a duplicate order number, this app requires Order # to be unique
  10. 2) This app cannot be run on a voided invoice
  11. 3) This app cannot be run on a posted invoice
  12. 4) The "Default Cost" (found on the 9-2 Parts screen) in the "Cost, Billing and Ordering" tab must have a non-zero value.


  1. 1) From the 11-2 Work Orders/Invoices/Credits screen, enter a service invoice and save it.
  2. Note: The order# given for each service order must be unique
  3. 2) Run this app.
  4. 3) The prices should be updated to the desired values.
  5. 4) If the prices are not adjusted correctly first double check that step two in Setup-> Run the Price Level Cost Change app (above) has been completed correctly.

System Requirements:

    Sage v19 or Sage v20
  1. This app requires the "Price Level Cost Change" app which is also run form the 11-2 screen