Zoom Geeks has many support options.
Which one works best for you?

Our Knowledgebase has articles to help you find solutions.

The Zoom Geeks' knowledgebase provides our customers with access to articles and information at anytime.

Browse our list of knowledgebase articles.

We provide a support website that tracks all submitted tickets.

Our Support website is a place to submit and keep track of issues and information about Zoom Geek apps.

Use our Support Ticket System to submit feedback.

Email us at support@zoomgeeks.com.

Every email sent to support@zoomgeeks.com creates a ticket in our system.

Access to support is embedded in ALL Zoom Geeks programs.

Using the zMaxOneClick program as an example, you can access the 'Live Chat', 'Submit Feedback', Zoom Geeks 'Website' and 'Knowledgebase' all from clicking a button on the main program screen while you have the program running.

Call Us at 866-711-5882.

When you leave a voicemail it creates a ticket in our support system.